Wednesday, January 22, 2025

                                                   The Salute

When I was 7 years old we changed our morning American Flag pledge of allegiance from giving a salute with our right hand out stretched towards the flag to placing our hand over our hearts. Of course being so young, we had no clue why this was done, but our parents and adults with a thinking mind knew what had become an overt and widely known at that time, that the Nazi's were using this salute, to give allegiance to Hitler. There were many of my family who fought in W W II and by the time it was over, all of the children knew what this salute represented.

This salute is banned in Germany, and many other nations. Since the end of World War II, displaying the Nazi variant of the salute has been a criminal offense in Germany, Austria, Czechia, Slovakia, and Poland. Legal restrictions on its use in Italy are more nuanced and use there has generated controversy. is recognized in America for what is was and still today the emblem of allegiance to Hitler.

Two nights ago, Elon Musk gave an enraptured Nazi salute to the crowds in the Capital One Arena to those celebrating the election of our President a convicted criminal. The news media has white washed this salute as an excited gesture and not to be concerned. Our former news outlets have bowed down to this foolish way of reporting, and so, we are not supposed to see what we see.

The Bellamy salute was replaced by the hand-over-heart salute in1942. This change was made in response to concerns that the Bellamy salute resembled the Nazi salute. The Bellamy salute was the original way Americans saluted the flag during the Pledge of Allegiance. It involved extending the arm out from the body with the palm facing outward from the chest.

  • In the 1920s and 1930s, Italian fascists and Nazi Germans adopted a similar salute.

  • Americans became concerned that the Bellamy salute could be mistaken for a sign of support for the fascist regimes.

  • On December 22, 1942, Congress passed legislation that changed the Flag Code to instruct Americans to place their right hand over their heart while reciting the Pledge.

As we can see with our own eyes, in this case Mr, Musk's actions speak more loudly than words of our media...

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